Make Money With Pay Per Click Ads and Google AdSense

If you have done any Internet based marketing or even considered it you've no doubt heard of Google AdWords®. If you have a Website you may have considered adding Google AdSense® to it in order to increase revenue.

For those of you who don't know, Google AdWords® is a marketing techique that offers to help you market your business. If you have ever done a search on you have seen the links to the right of the main list. Those are links that companies have set up in Google AdWords. If you click on a link, the company pays a price. That is, they pay a specific price 'per click'. Google is not the only search engine to offer this kind of marketing. All the main search engines offer a variation of it.

Google AdSense® is an extension of AdWords. You may have seen Websites that are not that say 'Google Ads'. You can set up an AdSense® account with and add Google ads to your Web page. If someone clicks one of the Google Ad links you get paid a specified price. What you actually get paid is the result of a very secretive 'formula' that the people at came up with. Again, all the major search engines offer a similar service.

So, you can create ads in Google AdWords® and get people to click on them pretty easily. When people click the link, they are taken to the Web page of your choice.

You can create Web pages that have Google AdSense® ads on them. These Web pages can be the pages that you direct people to in your Google AdWords® ads. Can you see where we're going with this?

This technique is commonly called 'Arbitrage'. The trick of course is to get people to click the Ad Sense ads on your pages enough to *more than* compensate for the price you're paying for your AdWords® ads. This may seem impossible but it's not. In fact some people claim to make over $75,000.00 per *month* with this technique.

So how do you do it? Well, some AdWord ads are higher priced than others. The more popular the keywords are among AdWords® marketers, the higher the price per click. For example, keyword phrases having the word 'insurance' usually charge a pretty high price per click because other companies are willing to pay more. Other keyword phrases pay very little per click, even as low as $0.05 per click. These keywords can be very valuable if you can find the right ones.

Also, Google AdWords® generally cost more per click than the other search engines' pay per click services because is the most popular search engine. You can still drive a lot of traffic to your Website if you use the other search engines' pay per click marketing and you'll pay a lot less per click. A few sites to look at are:, and

Once you have your pay per click ads set up you create pages that will display AdSense® ads that are relatively close to your pay per click ads. You design a Web page that has a lot of the keyword phrases you want your AdSense® ads to be about. For example, if you're trying to attract AdSense® ads for the phrase 'Insurance New York', you'll design a page about insurance in New York. You'll make sure that the words 'insurance' and 'New York' are in there a lot (usually about 5% of all words on the page). You'll want to use those words in your Header Title and as your page title. You'll want to be sure to use Google AdSense® as opposed to the other search engines because they pay more per click because, again, is more popular.

So now you're paying for people to click links to go to your site that has ads on it that will pay you each time they click your AdSense® ad. If you've done it right the AdSense® clicks will pay you more than what you're paying for your pay per click ads (usually at least 50% more).

Now you're asking how you find all these great keyword combinations right? You need low pay per click keywords to drive people to your Web page that has high paying keywords. A few sites exist that can help you a great deal.

• - can help you learn how many people are searching on a given keyword phrase and will also make suggestions on other closely related phrases.

• - another site that can help you determine how many people are searching on a given keyword phrase. Also, wordtracker will suggest other phrases that are close.

• - yet another site to help you determine what keyword phrases people are searching on.

Now, you need to understand that pay per click ad prices are generally set by the people doing the marketing. For example, if I'm only willing to pay $2.95 per click on a keyword phrase but my competitor is willing to pay $5.00, my competitor's ad will always show up before mine. In fact, my ad may not show up at all. You need to be able to determine how much people are 'bidding' on a given keyword phrase.

• - helps you get an idea of what prices people are paying per click for certain keyword phrases. It also will suggest closely related phrases. 

You can also buy software to help you keep a close watch on what prices people are paying and it will help you manage your pay per click ad campaigns as well.

The only way you can succeed at this is to test, test, test your work. Find a keyword phrase 'pair' (1 for your pay per click ads, the other for your AdSense® ads) then design and publish your Web page laced with your AdSense® keyword phrases. Go to and sign up for an AdSense® account. get the 'code' needed for your AdSense® page and paste it into your page (the top center and/or bottom center is usually real good). Then set up one or more pay per click ad(s) with a lower paying search engine and pull the trigger.

Once you've got your pay per click ads running, monitor them every hour. Not much time will pass before you get an idea of whether or not it's working. If not, kill the pay per click ad *fast*, and start over.

Your chances of making money in less than your first 10 attempts isn't great. But if you keep at it and learn the game you really can make money using pay per click 'Arbitrage'.



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